
Passwords Audit – Why and What are the risks

Passwords have become part of our daily lives. Passwords are extra protection to our personal and business data. They are often the first line of defense and, in many cases, the only line of defense against data breaches. A password can be anything like your mobile unlock PIN, ATM PIN, login password, etc.   It is very critical to protect the password even if

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Fileless Malwares

  As technology is evolving to high grades, Malwares are also substantially evolving to unprecedent extent. The truth is that cyber criminals nowadays use much more sophisticated, agile and stealthy malwares that prove to be effective and successful. These Malwares makes more challenging to build a stronger defense against them. Malwares are evolving at a

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Stalk any company with just one click using Maltego…!!!

Even if you are very new to online investigation and if you don’t know anything about Maltego, you will be able to stalk any company after reading this 2-minute blog. Here we are going to pick a target, and Maltego will search for all the email addresses it can find and from there it tries

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Hi everyone, Today, I am not with a VulnHub machine but with the HACKTHEBOX (HTB) machine called LAME. I bought my HTB VIP subscription and started to workout on the retired machines at first. As I am preparing for my OSCP exam, pwning these kinds of machines would help me to pass the exam. In

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