Author: Prithesh Durai

CISA’s Top 30 Bugs from oldest to recent : Get patch immediately

CISA’s Top 30 Bugs from oldest to recent : Get patch immediately

Government agencies in the US, UK, and Australia are encouraging public and private-sector organizations to secure their networks by ensuring firewalls, VPNs, and other internally connected devices are patched against the most widespread cyber threats. Globally, cyber criminals continue to target a wide range of targets, including public and private sector organizations, by exploiting publicly

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How Ransomware Targets Your Organization in 2021

Ransomware is a malware that in the last two years has become an important threat to US companies and people. Any business, government, organization, or person can be a target for ransomware who is willing to pay a ransom to regain access to their information. The most common variants are crypto-ransomware and locker ransomware. Crypto

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Bizarro banking Trojan: Hitting 70 banks across Europe and South America

A Brazil-originated new banking trojan – Bizarro, attacked customers of 70 banks of Brazil and Europe. Kaspersky researchers[1] discovered that Bizarro is stealing online banking credentials as well as hijacking Bitcoin wallets from android mobile users. The attackers are using money mules for withdrawing funds or to transfer money, Kaspersky reports. In addition to phishing,

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President Biden’s Executive order on U.S. cybersecurity.

The cyber-attack that happened on Colonial Pipeline impacted computerized equipment managing the pipeline network and stopped its operations to contain the attack. This shutdown in the pipeline of supplies rigidified the US with the rise in price and state emergencies. On the sixth day of the Colonial Pipeline shutdown, Biden signs an executive order for

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