Author: Sunand M

Optimum – HackTheBox Walkthrough – Part 2

Optimum – HackTheBox Walkthrough – Part 2

As we saw in the first part of this Optimum walkthrough, it is a beginner-level machine that is more of an enumeration of services with known exploits. These exploits are easy to work out and get the flag. Let us continue from where we left. As I had an issue with Windows-Exploit-Suggester I am using

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Optimum – HackTheBox Walkthrough

Optimum – HackTheBox Walkthrough

Optimum is a beginner-level machine that is more of enumeration of services with known exploits. These exploits are easy to work out and get the flag. We will be having two parts in this blog. This is the first part Tools Used: • Nmap• Metasploit• Windows Exploit Suggester $ sudo nmap -sSV -T5 -p-

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The PrintNightmare

The PrintNightmare

As a security researcher, I used to search for new exploits and vulnerabilities daily or more often. In the past few days, I have been sighting “ PrintNightmare” more often on Twitter and Reddit. That made me curious, and I was digging up more onto it. After some research, I came to know that it

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SUMO 1 – Vulnhub Walkthrough

This write up is about a simple vulnerable machine Sumo 1. It is a boot2root challenge from Vulnhub for beginners. In this vulnerable machine we must find the flag which is hidden inside. Also, I have used RustScan for network scanning which is a new tool and bit faster than traditional Nmap. Lets me explain

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